It has been a very enjoyable afternoon of making necklaces while listening to Jazz music. I have begun my necklace selling business and I've been working on an order of five necklaces. I'd like to share the necklaces with you. You can order similar ones or the same ones - I will make a necklace especially for you or for your special someone. This necklace above is $18 Canadian. The average price of my necklaces is $15-$35. I like to use semi-precious stones or vibrant colours as seen above.

This one is made of wooden circular beads and waxed cord. The clasp is made of a round wooden bead and the waxed cord loops around it. This is my personal favourite. The next one I make will have to be for me:) Unfortunately, I'm selling this one, but I can made many more for you (and me:)

Let me know which ones you like, or send me a picture of an outfit or shirt that you're trying to find a necklace for. If you don't know exactly what you want, I will be posting more of my necklaces online as I make them.
Here is another necklace that I made this afternoon. It is made of Cherry Quartz and mother of pearl. This one is $32 Cdn.

I love to sit here and work in the living room. I can hear the birds chirping outside and the sound of the wind through the trees and our overgrown bushes. The sky has changed so many times this afternoon. First it was sunny, and then it got really windy and looked like another storm was going to come. The sky was overcast and looked as though it was fully of rain. It did not come and now it's sunny again. I think it's time to take a break from my necklaces and play some bocce ball!
Please leave a comment if you would like a particular necklace. The cost is minimal if you would like it mailed to you. I mailed one from Edmonton, to Delhi, ON and it only cost $1.25. I will be setting up a paypal account if there is enough interest. For now, you can send me a money order or a personal cheque if I know you well. You can contact me at aldyck (at) ualberta (dot) ca if you would like one made for you!